There is a lot of information about different groups on this page, or you can click on any of the tabs under "Groups" to find out more information about specific ministries, including youth group, WELCA, choir, and various education programs. Take the time to fill out our "Time and Talents" sheet to let us know what God given talents you have to offer St. James.
St. James emphasizes the need for fellowship of all ages. Each member of our family of faith is a vital part of our community. We have many opportunities and activities for all ages listed below, but this is not an exhaustive list. If you have suggestions for further service opportunities or activities, please contact us and let us know!
Community Groups
We will be having community groups starting this summer. Are you a parent? We've got one for you! A high school student? Gotcha covered. Elementary? You too! Adult? Couples? You're invited too! We will even be having hobby based groups, such as cooking or sports! We hope you will sign up to join us on our Community Groups page.
The St. James Softball Team
All players 14 years old & up are invited to play in the Church Co-ed softball league. We have a leisure Omega team. To sign up contact the church office. All players must register.
Koinonia is a group for those primarily in their 50's and older. They meet monthly and participate in numerous activities. Some examples include game nights and potluck meals. Each December, the entire congregation is invited to join as our Koinonia Group hosts our Annual Christmas Caroling to shut-in members.
Youth Fellowship
Youth Groups are divided according to age. There are activities for grades k-4, 5-6, middle school, and high school. The leaders plan activities with the parents and or members of the group. Youth group activities are announced via the Journal, Church Bulletins and in the Youth Newsletter.
Men's Breakfast
Our active Men's Breakfast group meets on Wednesday mornings at 7:00 am. A devotional bible study of the week's lessons are discussed. New members are always welcome!
Preparation of the Altar (Altar Guild)
Altar Guild meets monthly. The members take turns setting up the Altar for communion. We always need new people on Altar Guild. Talk to one of the pastors if you are interested in serving!
Women's circles
Women's Circles are groups of women who get together each month for Bible Study and Fellowship. Love Circle meets on Monday evenings and Hope Circle on Tuesday mornings. See the monthly calendar for exact dates.
Our Service Opportunities include:
Assisting with Community Kitchen meals Delivering Meals on Wheels Furnishing prizes for Bingo games at Good Shepherd Long Term Living Facility Nursery care for young children Providing sponsorship for youth and mission-minded members Distributing communion to members unable to attend church services Summer Mission Trips for Youth (adult sponsors and drivers are ALWAYS needed)